Regional Editors

Our first regional editors joined GlobaLID!

María Florencia Becerra

Katrin J. Westner


August 20, 2023

The workshop in February 2023 featured insightful and thought-provoking keynotes as well as intense and fruitful discussion rounds, which yielded several stimulating impulses for the future development and further growth of GlobaLID.

One of the prepositions jointly worked out in the discussions was to establish Regional Editors, who will curate the data for specific geographical regions. In practice, they will use their expertise when quality-checking data and metadata from (local) publications concerning the regions they are responsible for, and, with support from contributors, they will add data from their regions to GlobaLID’s database. The Core Team will carry out the final checks of the enriched data before they will become publicly available.

So far, six colleagues already joined the GlobaLID Team as Regional Editors:

The first contribution from Jay Stephens on sub-Saharan Africa with 468 entries is already available online. María Florencia Becerra and Virginie Renson currently work on data from Southern and Northern America, respectively, which will successively be added to the publicly accessible revised database.

GlobaLID is a community-driven and peer-curated project. Get in touch and join the team to contribute to GlobaLID and to help unleashing the power of FAIR data!